SharePoint Team Site – Can’t change the site logo

One of our customers was having issues with changing the site logo for a Modern SharePoint Team Site. I found this strange because he was the owner of the Team Site and I was able to change the logo. What was the issue? Well! The Modern SharePoint Team Site is of course connected to an Office 365 Group. The customer was only owner of the Team Site and not the Group! After adding the customer as Group Owner, he was able to change the site logo. Hope this helps other people out there with the same issue.

4 thoughts on “SharePoint Team Site – Can’t change the site logo”

  1. Even though i am owner for Microsoft Teams team i am able to change on Team but its not updating on SharePoint site and unable to update on SharePoint site. is there away to update. I am getting address book policy error

  2. You can able to change the site logo by uploading the _siteIcon_.png in the siteassets folder

  3. We had a similar issue on a single subsite. There were no errors, no permissions problems, nothing unusual about how the site was created, but after uploading a new logo it simply would not change on the site pages. None of the recommended procedures worked.

    I was able to resolve it simply. In Settings go to “Change the look” and then “Header” (there are new features since this original question). The “Site logo thumbnail” entry displays the correct logo that you uploaded normally (Using “Site Information”), but the “Site logo” display is blank. It’s a sharepoint bug. Simply upload under “Site logo” (not “Site logo thumbnail”) The numbnail will be regenerated, linked correctly and will now display on site pages.

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