Export the users from an Office 365 security group with PowerShell

Thanks to Nic Watters I found an useful Office 365 PowerShell scripts to extract the members from an Office 365 security group with PowerShell. Here are the instructions:

List members of a security group

  1. Display  the security group objectid


  1. Copy the 32 digit objectid code of the security group you want to check members.
  2. Modify the following script to add the copied security group objectid. The following script will export members of a security group members to csv.

Get-MsolGroupMember -groupObjectid ‘xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx’ | Select DisplayName,EmailAddress,GroupMemberType | Export-csv C:\tools\security-group-members.csv

Thanks Nic!

2 thoughts on “Export the users from an Office 365 security group with PowerShell”

  1. It is awesome.. It displays all the member of group without limitation.

    Get-MsolGroupMember -GroupObjectId ‘xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx’ -All | Select DisplayName,EmailAddress,GroupMemberType | Export-csv C:\tools\security-group-members.csv

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