Combine first and last name with a calculated column

I created a SharePoint list for a customer to enter the staff details of a marketing department. The owner of the site wanted to add the first and last name. I thought it would be easy to automatically fill a column with the full name, based at first and last name. This is actually really easy! Just create a new calculated column and use one of the following formulas:









Combines the two strings (CarlosCarvallo)









=[Column1]&” “&[Column2]



Combines the two strings, separated by a space (Carlos Carvallo)









=[Column2]&”, “&[Column1]



Combines the two strings, separated by a comma and a space (Carvallo, Carlos)









=CONCATENATE([Column2], “,”, [Column1])



Combines the two strings, separated by a comma (Carvallo,Carlos)



3 thoughts on “Combine first and last name with a calculated column”

  1. Here’s the über formula in case of 3 fields for first, middle and last name:
    =CONCATENATE(PROPER(TRIM(FirstName));IF(TRIM(MiddleName)<>“”;” “&LOWER(TRIM(MiddleName))&” “;” “);PROPER(TRIM(LastName)))

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